Monday, October 10, 2011

Wisiting Arnar parents.

Second day home. Learning 'got busy' outside and sleeping in crate at night and morning nap in bed with Arnar and Indre.
We went to visit Eyglo, Sessilija, Johana and Birgir. It was so much fun! Playing until Glói deadly tired! :)))
Antra diena namie. Mokomes ' uzsiimineti rimtais dalykais' laukia ir miegoti aptvare nakty, ryte nusnausti lovoje su Arnaru ir Indre.
Nuvaziavom aplankyti Eglo, Sesilijos, Johanos ir Birgir. Buvo taip smagu! Glois zaide iki mirtino pavargimo. :))))

Arnar Mom looking at as plaing *Arnaro mama stebi mus zaidzian.

When girls have enough dad coming to play

Boys coming in after outside time.

Nom nom nom time! :)


  1. Gloi is so cute! Those photos with him on the grass are so beautiful! How is he doing in his new home? Not crying at night for his mom and siblings?

  2. Thank you! He was very happy playing outside :)
    He is doing fine! Love his new home and new family. Wain at night just if he need to go outside. :) He is very good boy!
    You are welcome to come for a visit. :))) Gl'oi would like to make new friends! :)
