Friday, September 16, 2011

Third meeting

Just as soon as the weekend start we pick Arnar sisters and went to visit Glói. He was happy to see as. Get up firs again and soon in fall a sleep in our hands. Girls love him and he love them! :) So, some picture from our visit.
Tik prasidejus savaitgaliuj pasiemem Arnaro seses ir nuvaziavome aplankyti Gloi. Jis buvo laimingas matydamas mus. Pabudo pirmas ir neuzilgo uzsnudo musu rankose. Mergaitem jis labai patiko ir jos jam taipat! :) Taigi, keletas nuotraukeliu is musu apsilankymo.

Fall a sleep my sweet boy. See u next time!!! :*


  1. Have you already chosen the particular one or every time Glói is the one that runs first to you ? :D

  2. It is particular one. But he is the one to wake up first, when we came for a visit. :) I like to believe, that he recognize us and feel us. :)))
